
Showing posts from April, 2022

Nurse Jokes Tinder

I cant tell you that. 8 oz ETOH q4h PRN. My Go To Line With Nurses R Tinder No she replied just to those whose babies really are good-looking. . Why did the nurse need a red crayon. Cheap and Dirty Pick-up lines for himher. My love for you burns stronger than my urinary tract infection. She needed to draw blood. I dont get what the big deal is. And the last thing you want to be is blunt after finding a perfect match. 1 I wish I was your coronary artery so that I could be wrapped around your heart. Whether youre straight or in the LGBTQIA community Tinders here to bring you all the sparks. Because I dont understand how you work but this feeling in my stomach makes me want to take you out. The nurse told the parents of a newly born child You have a cute baby The smiling husband said I bet you say that to all new parents No she replied just. Want to get into a relationship. This is one the be